

Reasons why we need to do a spring clean, and tips for doing so!

By Arianna Dabu - Macaroni KID Fort Myers - Fort Myers Beach February 28, 2024

Spring is well underway, and if you are anything like me, you may be a bit of a procrastinator when it comes to the dreaded SPRING CLEANING. Spring cleaning has many health benefits for several reasons: air quality/allergies, reduced stress, increased productivity, and many more.  

Air quality is significantly worse when you've got dust and allergens built up in your home, on counters, walls, picture frames, your HVAC vents, etc. 

People can become more stressed and have a foggier mind when we look around and see clutter, toys, dirty dishes, etc everywhere.

You can become more productive if you don't have to spend so much time digging through your junk drawer, sifting through piles of documents, or even maneuvering the maze of toys on the ground.

Not to worry...We've gathered some tips that all of us can use to tackle spring cleaning!  

Cleaning Tips

  • One thing COVID was good for was the buying of masks!  You can utilize those very same masks while cleaning, to prevent a sneeze attack.  For example, whenever I'm dusting or vacuuming, I ALWAYS put a disposable mask on.  I've seen a huge difference in being able to breathe alright afterwards.
  • Don't get overwhelmed by attempting to clean multiple things at once!  Focus on room by room.
  • Put on some music and dance like no one is watching!  It makes cleaning more fun, and releases those feel-good endorphins.
  • Always clean from ceiling to floor- you wouldn't want to clean the dust off of your fan, after you've just mopped the floor.  Speaking of dusting the fan, have you ever tried using an old pillowcase to clean it off?  I swear by it; I've been using the pillowcase trick for the last couple of years to prevent that dust from falling all over the beds/floors!
  • Utilize some free spring cleaning printables that may help you organize and schedule your cleaning a bit better.
  • Don't forget about your walls, doorknobs, light switches, and curtains/blinds!  This is something my kids particularly love helping with.  I'll give them a damp microfiber cloth, or some gloves and Lysol wipes, and they enjoy cleaning all of the "touchables" in their rooms.
  • Clean out and wipe down the kitchen cabinets and shelves.  You'd be surprised at how much herb, flour, and spice residue is left on the shelves inside.
  • Take everything out of your fridge and wipe the shelves/drawers out.  Be sure to toss all expired condiments while you're in there!
  • You can get rid of pet odors and musty odors from your carpet by sprinkling baking soda (or carpet deodorizer) on your carpet, letting it sit for 20 minutes, then vacuuming it up.  I was actually told by a professional vacuum repair shop (in Fort Myers) that doing this can actually ruin your vacuum, so I only do it about quarterly, with my cheaper vacuum.
  • Many houses have garbage disposals now-a-days, and forget that they are a major source of kitchen odors in themselves!  To clean ours, I chop up a lemon or orange rind, and run it through the garbage disposal with cubes of ice for about 15 seconds.  It makes for a fabulous after-scent, and naturally cleans the disposal.
  • Bookshelves.  They are the worst.  No one likes to take all the books out, clean the shelves, replace the books, etc.  However, you will get a huge dust accumulation in your bookshelves, and maybe even silverfish-yuck!
  • Vacuum and sanitize (Lysol spray works!) your mattress.  If it's older than 8 years, it's time for a new one!  Make sure you wash your linens in hot water frequently!  At least weekly is a good rule of thumb, if you don't already...


  • Disorganization leads to added (and rather unnecessary stress).  This goes for both your work area and your home.  You can buy cheap organizational items from the dollar store to help with storage in your home and office.  
  • Throw away papers you don't need, file the ones you do. You could take it one step further by scanning (or taking a picture and uploading) to a USB drive, Google Drive, or something of that nature.  That way you have all the things you need in one spot, and you can access them from anywhere!
  • If you have tons of toys and clothes all over the place, consider donating!  There are many places that accept clothes/toys/other household items, like: Salvation Army, Goodwill, Shelters, Foster Homes, . For most of these places, you can get a receipt to save for a tax write-off.  My kids love doing a little semi-annual clean up of toys that they no longer play with, and clothes that no longer fit.  We've taught them that the biggest joy is the joy of giving, and they feel really special knowing that another, less fortunate, child will benefit from their things!

Maintain Your HVAC System

  • Be sure that you are changing your filters at least every month to ensure fresh air is flowing through your vents.  If you have bad allergies like me, then you may want to consider purchasing a allergen-reducing filter, and change it as frequently as every three weeks (or as you see a lot of accumulation on it).
  • It's a good idea to have your HVAC system maintained regularly to ensure the system is working properly.  You especially don't want your AC to go out mid-August in this Florida heat.  In addition to maintenance, it may benefit you to have your air ducts cleaned.
  • Call up your AC tech for regular maintenance and a duct clean, or search on Groupon for some good deals!

Use HEPA Filters/Vacuums

  • Invest in a HEPA Vacuum that can suck up airborne particles, pet dander, and other allergens.
  • Use a HEPA or MERV air filters with your HVAC system to help filter out dust, debris, and allergens before they get through your vents.

Other Resources:

I hope this helps lessen the dread of spring cleaning for you.  If you have more tips/tricks you'd like to share, email us and let us know!